
Essential Oil Blogs

5 Great Reasons to Use Scented Beeswax Candle
Scented candles are popular with everyone who enjoys relaxing with different fragrances or the ambience they create. Therefore, one may think that all candles are the same. However, such thinking couldn’t be more wrong. There are different types of candles out there that can cater to different tastes. More people resor...
Essential Oils to Treat Cold Sores and How to Use Them Effectively
Cold sore outbreaks can be a pain and a hassle whenever they happen. However, it’s something that can’t be helped sometimes. Most people, children and adults alike, experience it. Although cold sores are common, it’s still a mixture of annoyance and discomfort. For some people, it happens only once, but for others, it’...
Scented Beeswax Candles: How To Make Your Own
Finding the perfect candle scents for every occasion can be challenging. Shopping for a candle can take time and effort with so many options. In addition, most candles are expensive, and if you have any allergies, it can be hard to find a high-quality product that doesn't trigger them. Consider getting a scented candle...
5 Ways to Make Your Scent Last Longer
The longevity of a fragrance is always an essential factor when choosing one. However, the time it takes for a fragrance to dissipate is even more important than the smell. A good fragrance should be able to stay on your skin for a minimum of three hours before you need to re-apply. A good scent lasts for about an hour...
11 Things to Know About Pheromones (Forget All Those Myth!)
The human attraction may not be as simple as saying you like someone because you’re compatible or “because the stars align.” Appeal and sex drive are a bit more complicated than we seem to think they are. Pheromones are a crucial factor in the sexual responses of humans, and so, human attraction. However, various studi...
The Wicker Candle Holders Guide 101
Shopping for wicker candle holders can be stressful. There are many styles, shapes, and sizes to choose from. Not to mention their cost! Some can be ridiculously expensive, while others look cheap but low quality. Continue scrolling until the bottom to know what to look for when choosing wicker candle holders. This han..
Making a Perfect Match Using a Candle Fragrance Wheel
Your sense of smell has a profound impact on your mood. When you smell something unpleasant, the scent can trigger a negative reaction and affect your mood for hours or even days. On the other hand, the fragrance you wear can have an uplifting effect and make you feel more confident about yourself. But how do you find...
House Keeping 101: Make Your Home Smell Insanely Good
The fragrance of your space can be determined by the way you do your house keeping. It sets the entire mood of the house. Eating your favorite meals is the best part of living, but the bold smell of onions, not so much. The residual smell of food, garbage, and unclean fabrics can ruin your momentum and even a good...
How to Make a Good Smelling Wicker Candle
Is your house too boring? Nothing out of the ordinary? Nowadays, some people incorporate things into their houses in an intimate manner. Lighting up wicker candles is one of the ways people blow off steam, intending to set up a comfortable atmosphere. Besides that, candles and fragrance oil are also making a...
13 Surprising Ways on How to Make Your Bed Smell Good
The bedroom is the most intimate space in the entire house. It's a sanctuary, an escape, and a place of peace. Beside the question how to clean a mattress, there are other rituals you should also perform. If...