
Essential Oil Blogs

Which is Harder Shea Butter or Coconut Oil? (A Skincare Guide)
It's hard to choose which type of skincare is best for you. There are so many options, and it can be overwhelming. We've researched for you and have developed a comprehensive guide to help you figure out what works best for your skin! Know Which is More Effective, Shea Butter or Coconut Oil in this article...
The Best Tea Tree Oil for Tattoos and What You Should Know About It
As the world starts to open up, many people invest in being creative with the human body. Although tattoos have become popular among generations, the pain of getting inked is the least of your problems. Tattooing involves a needle that punctures the skin. Skin cuts make you vulnerable to infection or scarring without...
Buying Guide for the Best Incense Stick (Everything You Need to Know!)
Don’t you want to take time off from energy-draining activities? Your mind and body go through a lot daily, which sometimes ruins your momentum. Mental exhaustion is proportional to physical exhaustion and vice versa. However, you can help yourself by setting up an environment that works for you with aromatic materials...
Coconut Oil for Teeth Whitening and Ways to Apply It
A dashing smile often links to all things positive. However, having low-maintenance tooth care ruins the momentum. Healthy teeth usually represent not only good hygiene but your overall condition. White teeth can go a long way in looking attractive and presentable. In addition, there are different exciting ways to...
The Complete Guide on How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Car
Many odors often indicate the need for a car’s upkeep. These scents either indicate a problem with the car’s function or that you need serious cleaning. One type of this odor is the mildew smell. The mildew smell in cars is particularly bothersome. So, it’s always best to know sources and how to eliminate them...
Why Does My Car Smell Like Rotten Eggs? (5 Reasons!)
Cleaning your car is part of the daily routine. It can be inevitable for your space to smell bad, but some foul odors may raise a concern. These odors could present the current condition of your vehicle, suggesting immediate action. One car smell that you must be aware of is the rotten egg smell. It might sound...
The Most Common Car Freshies You Shouldn't Miss
Worry about a stinky car but are too fed up with ineffective fresheners? A vehicle that is well taken care of influences the ride. You wouldn’t mind getting stuck in traffic with a good-smelling car! Well, this article got you! Car freshies are a thing now. You can make them as a statement piece of your vehicle. These
Peppermint Essential Oil Products You Wish You Knew Earlier
Plants are fundamental to human life. As basic as it is, they provide the oxygen you breathe (obviously!). However, you might not have yet thoroughly enjoyed their benefits to the fullest. They have numerous applications, especially those of industrial activities. Essential oils are one way to make use of...
A Guide to Egyptian Musk and Egyptian Musk Products
Besides an alluring aura, what is that one thing that heavily draws you? A captivating scent. Yet, to have such an impactful fragrance, you must never settle for less and go with something more distinctive than usual. Various scented materials settle in the skin differently, and Egyptian musk essential oil...
How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Car and Make it Even Better
Do you remember the first time you bought your car? Did it feel and smell good? Well, it’s all history now, especially when unusual odors like smoke linger in your vehicle. The smoke smell can be annoying if not given immediate action. Thankfully, there are tips on eliminating odor like Egyptian Musk Essential Oil...